"A Stitch in Time Saves Nine."
We have probably all heard our parents or grandparents give us this advice. My interpretation of this statement is that prevention or early intervention are far less painful and invasive than the consequences of neglect.
This is true in dentistry, where patients who practice good oral care with help from your hygiene department will spend less money on dental care in their lifetimes than those who neglect these basics.
I'd make the same statement about embezzlement. The practice owners who fail to put the necessary safeguards in place, and those who ignore warning signs can expect to lose more money and undergo more turmoil than those who practice good "embezzlement hygiene." The Hall of Shame on our website that profiles embezzlers includes members of the "Million Dollar Club," those spectacularly damaging embezzlers who thrive in an environment of trust and lack of oversight.
Our Owner Proactive Strategies program is an excellent way for a practice owner to ensure that the guardrails that will protect them are in place and that they are comfortable with how to access and use the information necessary to prevent the "cavities" that might otherwise develop in your finances. Amber Weber-Gonzales, who heads our proactive department, was once a dental hygienist and truly understands the wisdom of prevention.
Want to talk to me about how to reduce the embezzlement risk in your practice? Click HERE.
Yours truly,
David Harris