The Prosperident Pulse #126 January 2023 - Information you can use in your practice

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The Prosperident Pulse #126 January 2023 - Information you can use in your practice

Here is Prosperident Pulse #126, our newsletter for January 2023. Want to receive our newsletter in your inbox every month? Click HERE to sign up.

Phone: 888-398-2327 Web: January 2023

Jan 26 Webinar: Hidden in Plain Sight -- How an Office Manager Stole $370K
We are looking forward to having Virginia orthodontist Dr. David Hughes as our guest for our January webinar. Dr. Hughes will share what he learned when his trusted office manager stole $370,000 from him.
No-cost registration is HERE, and CE credit is available. We start at 8:00 pm Eastern / 5:00 pm Pacific.
Want a great speaker for your event?
We have attention-grabbing titles like "They didn't teach me THAT in dental school" and "How to Outsmart the Thief in Your Practice."
If you would like to learn more about our speakers or read audience reviews, check out THIS LINK.
Here are some of the places you can see us soon:
Feb 16 South Charlotte Study Club Charlotte NC
Mar 9 Pacific Dental Conference Vancouver BC
Mar 23 South Shore Dental Association Bridgewater NS
Mar 31 Niagara Peninsula Dental Society Niagara-on-the-Lake ON
Apr 20-21 Western Regional Dental Experience Phoenix AZ
May 4 Michigan Dental Association Grand Rapids MI
Sep 8 Orthopreneurs Summit Orlando FL
Sep 22 Spear Education Virtual
Oct 20 Northeastern Society of Orthodontists Montreal QC
Did you miss a previous newsletter? We archive them HERE.
5 Things You Might Not Know About Prosperident
  1. We were founded in 1989 and only serve the dental profession. All our Fraud Examiners and Proactive Specialists have dental backgrounds.
  2. We work with everyone from solo practice owners to DSOs and cover all dental specialties.
  3. While we are best known for conducting embezzlement investigations, our fastest growing product is Owner Proactive Strategies which involves customized development of practice-owner skills.
  4. We love to talk! And we have some great speakers who do a lot of that.
  5. Our CEO plays ice hockey, and not very well.
The View from the CEO's Chair
I'm going to avoid the "New Year- New You" cliches so prevalent at this time of year. Whether the subject is a gym membership, a new wardrobe, a cruise, or something else, this approach provides a "hook" for advertisers to incite demand for elective items. You may even use this use this approach to help patients see the possibilities for smile enhancement.
However, I do want to bend your ear on a self-improvement project for a problem that causes bruxism for many practice owners.
Dentists become our clients for two reasons; either they suspect or have found embezzlement, or they want to proactively establish safeguards so that they don't become future victims.
Regardless of whether they are being proactive or reactive, the "pain point" that unifies our clients is discomfort about overseeing their practice's financial operations.
Clients point to two constraints; as full-time clinicians they have little time for the oversight function, and in their educational journey no one has taught them how to do it.
As a result, dentists either abdicate and cling to the hope that their staff chooses to be honest, or doggedly spend evenings and weekends trying to muddle through their finances.
It doesn't have to be this way. If you are knowledgeable and properly set up, you can be an effective overseer in two hours or less per month, and we can help you get there.
If financial control is something you'd like to improve in 2023, I'd love to talk to you about how to make it happen.
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