Prosperident Pulse #89 - December 2019

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Prosperident Pulse #89 - December 2019

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Dental Prosperident Pulse from Prosperident
Issue #89 -- December 2019
The terrific folks at Productive Dental Academy recently did great a podcast with David Harris. You can listen HERE.
Want an Engaging Speaker?
Did you know that there are some topics that we will ONLY discuss at closed-door, live events?
This is Jennifer Leslie. She was recently convicted of stealing $420k. Hear her story, and many more.
See us live if you want the full story on embezzlement.
Here are some places where we will be speaking soon:
Feb 19 Kamloops and District Dental Society, Kamloops BC
Feb 27 Ortho2 User Group Meeting, San Diego CA
Mar 9 Cloud9 User Group Meeting, Atlanta GA
Mar 11 Schulman Group, Laguna Beach CA
Apr 24 East Texas Study Club, Bullard TX
May 9 Smile Source Exchange, Atlanta GA
Feb 25 Chicago Dental Society Mid-Winter Meeting, Chicago IL
To book us for your meeting or study club, click HERE or call us at 888-398-2327.
Did you miss a previous newsletter? We archive them HERE.
Stuck on what to get your Favorite Dentist for Christmas?
We are probably a bit biased, but we think our CEO's book makes a great gift. It's available both in paperback and Kindle formats, and it's been getting great reviews on Amazon.
The Amazon link is HERE.
Guest Post - Be Aware Of Your “New Dental Plans”
There are some twists and turns in the world of insurance reimbursement that are not well understood by dentists. We asked our friend Chris Tayler of Cobalt Analytics to shed some light. He gave us some excellent information.
Navigating the world of dental plan contracts and reimbursements can be like reading legal documents written in Sanskrit through a tinted glass window. And yet the results can make a big difference in your write-offs and subsequent take home pay.
This is particularly true with companies that act as administrators/lessors and/or “networks” of dental plans. In essence these administrator networks sell and sometimes administer other dental plans.
The big question is which fee schedule the dentist will be paid from. This question arises because administrator networks and the dental plans which they sell have their own distinct fee schedules and often reimburse at vastly different rates.
Something to Talk About...
Thanksgiving is over, and the frenzied rush towards Christmas is now upon us. Black Friday, Cyber Monday, and, just when your credit cards have had enough, Boxing Day, have become the media events of the season.
It's not hard to get the idea that rampant consumerism has displaced more traditional forms of Christmas celebration. I can only imagine the pressure that sale flyers and ads can exert on embezzlers.
Since this is our last newsletter of 2019, on behalf of everyone at Prosperident, I'd like to that you for allowing us to be a part of your community, and to wish you a wonderful holiday season.
David Harris
We are Prosperident, Dentistry's Embezzlement Experts
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