One of our busiest speakers, Dr. Pat Little smoothly blends his investigative work with an active speaking calendar.
Prior to his work with Prosperident, Pat was a "wet fingered" guy, owning several dental practices. When repetitive motion issues began to take their toll, Pat returned to college to study accounting. He found us through mutual friend Linda Miles, and we have had the pleasure of working with Pat ever since.
Pat's speaking includes large venues like the Hinman Meeting and the ADA as well as cozy study clubs. |
Did you know that there are some topics that we will ONLY discuss at closed-door live events?
See us live if you want the full story.
Here are some places we will be speaking soon:
Aug 25 |
Chicago Dental Meeting, Chicago IL |
Sep 7 |
Patterson Dental, Houston TX |
Sept 11 |
Augusta Dental Society, Augusta GA |
Oct 1 |
Wichita District Dental Society, Wichita KS |
Oct 4 |
Southern Association of Orthodontists, New Orleans LA |
Oct 11 |
Victoria & District dental Society, Victoria BC |
Oct 13 |
Benco Leadership Day, Houston TX |
Oct 23 |
West Central Wisconsin Study Club |
Oct 24 |
Seattle Study Club, Rochester NY |
Oct 26 |
Synergy Business and Legal Symposium, National Harbor MD |
Oct 27 |
Law Enforcement Investigation and Prosecution Group, Columbia MD |
Nov 8 |
NY Academy of Dentistry, New York NY |
Nov 28 |
Connecticut Study Club for Excellence, Manchester CT |
Dec 5 |
Greater Charlotte Study Club, Huntersville NC |
2019 |
Jan 27 |
Southwest Society of Periodontists, Irving TX |
Feb 8 |
Select Study Club, Evansville IN |
Feb 11 |
Wasatch Oral Surgery, Jordan UT |
Apr 12 |
American Association of Endodontists, Montreal QC |
Apr 26 |
Star of the North Meeting, St. Paul MN |
Apr 29 |
Vancouver & District Dental Society Vancouver BC |
May 4 |
American Association of Orthodontists, Los Angeles CA |
May 7 |
Seattle Study Club, Atlanta GA |
Sep 13 |
Orthopreneurs Summit, Dallas TX |
Oct 7 |
Colorado Prosthodontic Society, Denver CO |
To book us for your meeting or study club, click HERE or call us at 888-398-2327. |
Held Over -- Summer Giveaway!
Last month, we offered no-cost access to Prosperident's Embezzlement Risk Self Assessment Questionnaire at no cost. Some people missed the giveaway because of summer vacation schedules, so we are pleased to extend the offer.
The questionnaire is completed online, and typically takes 10-15 minutes to finish. Your score, along with some commentary, is provided after completion.
We normally sell the questionnaire on our website for $139, but from now until AUGUST 15, we are offering it to dentists at no cost.
Here is another member of Prosperident's "Half Million Dollar Club."
Durango, Colorado's Robin Bernazzi recently confessed to embezzling more than $500,000 from the dental practice in which she worked. She is currently free on bail, but the justice system is far from finished with Ms. Bernazzi.
Check out Robin, and many other embezzlers, in our Hall of Shame HERE.
Something To Talk About... |
Community. The concept has implications, both large and small. Communities offer us a sense of acceptance, appreciation, and a responsibility to contribute to the well-being of the group and its culture.
It’s hard to believe that summer is half over and that by the time you receive our September newsletter, you will be moving into your fall and winter schedules, both personally and professionally. Fall, of course, is synonymous with "back to school." Love it or hate it, education is the first thing that comes to mind for many of us as August quickly becomes September. You happily see your children off to their places of study, and then your focus turns to your own need for continuing education.
At Prosperident, we treasure our unique relationship with the dental community, and the opportunities we have been presented to help you increase your knowledge. This year, in an attempt to honor your requests to have additional speakers who are informative and engaging, we are adding two new speakers to the Prosperident Speakers Bureau.
We never hide the fact that our educational information and statistics come directly from our work, which is dedicated to investigating financial crimes against your community. Our speakers strive to present you with relevant information (as well as some humor), to protect you from the people who target you as their victims. We love speaking at your events, large and small, and we gain a tremendous deal of satisfaction from being able to interact with you.
With your feedback and support, we are proud to be developing even more presentations that we consider to be of value to your community while we wage war against the criminals who have for too long gotten financially fat off of your hard work and trust. Education, not infomercials, is what we offer and we feel privileged to be able to do so.
My team and I would like to offer you a heartfelt “Thank you!” for allowing us to be a growing part of your community, and we look forward to meeting you during the fall and winter season of 2018-19 at your events and conferences. Until then, we hope you are enjoying your summer!

David Harris
Did you miss a previous newsletter? We archive them HERE. |