Florida dental office worker Randy Verdino charged with grand theft, Steal >$5K

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Florida dental office worker Randy Verdino charged with grand theft, Steal >$5K
Randy Verdino
Randy Verdino

Randy Verdino, who worked for a Bonita Springs, Florida dentist. was arrested on account of several vouchers on the Key West Express, airline flights to New Jersey, a motel room for several nights, and a package sent and copies made at a UPS store.

Randy Susan Verdino, 46, who lists addresses in the 18000 block of Narcissus Road, Fort Myers, and 20000 block of Oahu Circle, Estero, was charged with grand theft, use of another's identity without their permission and two counts of illegal use of a credit card. She was released Thursday evening from Lee County Jail after posting $6,000 in bonds.

According to a Lee County Sheriff's Office report, Verdino worked at Bonita Dental, located in the same strip mall as the Sheriff's Office substation at 8951 Bonita Beach Road.

Randy Verdino Accused of Unauthorized Charges

Frederick Eck, the dentist, called deputies Dec. 16 about the charges. Barbara Young, Eck's manager at Bonita Dental, said she found several unauthorized charges on that day.

She gave detectives copies of the account statements which show:

On Oct. 26 a $1,485 charge from Key West Express on Fort Myers Beach for 15 charter boat vouchers after Eck's credit card information was sent by facsimile to the company. A man at the charter company said he took the vouchers to the dental office but could not remember who received them.

On Nov. 22, a BillMeLater online credit account was opened under the dentist's name and Social Security number. A total of $860.80 was charged for four round-trip Jet Blue tickets from Fort Myers to Newark, N.J., in the names of Randy Verdino, Joseph Verdino and two of Randy Verdino's children. Their names were not released. The flight left Fort Myers on Nov. 24 and returned on Dec. 1.

On Nov. 30, a FifthThird debit card was charged $225.40 by Hampton Inn in Fairfield, N.J. The same debit card was charged $169.50 on Dec. 3, also by Hampton Inn.

On Oct. 7, documentation shows Randy Verdino went to the UPS Store, also at 8951 Bonita Beach Road, and made copies, charging $23.17 to Eck's store account. On. Oct. 12, she sent a package and $26.42 was charged. On Oct. 13, she again made copies and charged $9.27 to Eck's account.
The store owner identified Verdino as the person who made the charges. He told deputies the copies were for a fishing boat company and not dental related.

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