KENNEWICK, Wash. -- One Kennewick, Washington dentist finds out someone working for him has been stealing from him for more than a year. Police say they've tried to total the losses but they're still coming in. Many small businesses trust one person to keep track of their finances.
At Angus Square Dental, Dr. Samuel Harker put his trust in Christina Moore. And for more than a year, she allegedly stole from his dentist office.
Kennewick Police estimate the amount to be around $13,000 but say there could be much more. They say Moore would ask patients for cash payments and then not record them in the books. She has been arrested and is being charged with first-degree theft.
Police say if you paid cash at Dr. Harker's office between May of 2005 and November of 2006, you should call his office with your information.
Have questions or concerns about your practice? Want to lower your risk of being embezzled?
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