I’ve Heard That If I Suspect Embezzlement, Stealth Is Important. Why?

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I’ve Heard That If I Suspect Embezzlement, Stealth Is Important. Why?

February 04, 2016

Stealth Is Important

When an embezzler thinks that he or she is about to be discovered (and possibly go to jail, have their friends read about them in the newspaper, have their spouse find out about their illegal activities, etc.), their thoughts turn to self-preservation.  This is a very powerful emotion, and anyone who has ever taken lifeguarding training is well aware of the danger of getting too close to someone who believes that they are in danger.

We have seen many instances of destroyed hard drives, missing backup media and in a couple of extreme cases, arson and murder committed by dental office embezzlers attempting to cover their tracks.

Although such efforts normally end badly for the embezzler, the dangers they pose for dentists are considerable.   When we say that embezzlement investigation is a job for professionals, this is one of the reasons why.  Prosperident has expended considerable effort perfecting the ability to conduct stealthy investigations to protect you from these issues.

If you want to discuss your situation in confidence, we are happy to speak with you.  Please click the button below and we will respond quickly.


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